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THE MASTERCLASS PODCAST | Finding Interviewees

What goes into finding the right interviewees for a story? I tell all.


podcast series | MOU

An eight-part documentary series on the innumerable issues and scant success stories of international aid.


news and current affairs | The Little Red Podcast

Monthly interviews, chats, and obscure stories on China beyond the Beijing beltway.


FBI RADIO | Grandpa Delivers The Eulogy At His Own Funeral

In March 2020, grandpa died two weeks shy of 100. HIS dying wish was to mic up and address the congregation from his casket.


THE JAPAN TIMES | #StandwiththePooh — The Hong Kong protesters in Japan

Winnie the pooh is banned in China. But In Japan, he's alive, well, and making political appearances at cultural events.


THE JAPAN TIMES | Have yourself a merry little podcast!

appropriating the christmas turkey and refuting the story of jesus — this is japan’s spin on christmas.